Prada has announced that Red Velvet's Irene and EXO's Chanyeol, both from SM Entertainment, are their new brand ambassadors. Alongside the reveal, they unveiled a sensuous fashion film and shots from a photoshoot of them dressed in the Prada 2020 F/W Collection, which can be found in Vogue Korea.
In the pictorial, Irene was seen rocking pieces from the brand's Autumn/Winter 2020 Women's Collection. Centered around the concept "Surreal Glamour," they dressed Irene in fresh outfits that highlight women's toughness and intrinsic charm. The collection represents a women's strength and the authority behind a feminine identity. Through her clothing, she was able to express various and complex sides of being a woman.
Fans had suspected that Irene would become Prada's new brand ambassador for a while now. Back in December 2019, she was invited and had attended the Prada Dreamscape pop-up store in Seoul. She was also seen posting photos of herself wearing Prada on her Instagram and tagging the brand, which South Korean celebrities usually do when promoting a brand. Fellow Red Velvet member Joy is often seen doing the same for Dior.
In March 2019, Irene made her Paris Fashion Week debut, attending a show for Miu Miu, a subsidiary label under Prada. Alongside this, she starred in the brand's "Girl in Miu Miu" campaign.
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